Services & Capabilities
We stock a full inventory of lumber and timber products in both common and clear grades. We manufacture boards 1” and 5/4”, dimensions from 2 to 6 inches thick, and timbers from 6 x 6 thru 16 x 16 up to 40' (longer lengths occasionally available). We can mill full sized dimensions, rough sawn, dressed four sides, tongue & groove, chamfer, bevel, scarf, shiplap, mortise and tenon, dado cuts, center matched, V-joint, knee braces, and rafter tails. We can also do custom milling as per your design and specification. We have supplied our products to wholesale and retail lumber yards up and down the east coast. More often than not our orders from lumber yards are for two, five, or twenty pieces of an item not readily available, if at all, from other suppliers.

We produce products such as; Post and Beam systems, Interlocking Landscape ties, Park Bench stock, Horse Fence, Guard Rail systems, and Pergolas, to name a few. We are creative, our sawyers and planers and fabricators can make almost anything out of wood. We can cut and mill the entire order and package it for you.
Float Stages and Crane Mats
Made of Douglas Fir, these are used as floating platforms for construction purposes, primarily for marine construction activity. Douglas Fir is used because of its buoyancy: this allows the mat to float while holding equipment, work crews, etc., as well as being easily accessible by water. This cost-effective and durable product provides stability to wet job sites, temporary access to roads, as well as a temporary work-site platform. It can also be used outside of the water to create a barrier between ships and their cargo as well as transport for heavy equipment.

Posts and Poles
From peeled White Cedar poles to treated Southern Yellow Pine poles to poles or logs with bark on, we can supply a full range of post and pole products. Applications range from utility poles, fence posts, log cabin, lean-to’s, and rustic decorative uses. We can offer any size you may need, with bark or without, and are usually 3” diameter and larger. Lengths up to 30’ and longer. Southern Yellow Pine and Atlantic White Cedar are the primary species we sell. Other species include Oak, Eastern White Pine, and occasionally Walnut and Black Locust (when available).
Crating and Shipping
Boro Sawmill & Timber Company can cut to size plywood and lumber to make any size crate. We can manufacture to your specifications or can receive your material and crate and ship ourselves. We can offer safe, secure, insured, and rugged protection to meet any shipping needs.